Thursday, 8 July 2010

Pick Your Own..... Make your own.....

I am thinking that this blog post needs little, if any, commentary??
What in the world can come close to the joy of Picking Ones Own soft fruit? - Look at that face of pure excitement? Children are really good at this job....
Mummy's little Scarecrow all ready for the challenge of the Raspberry Rows. We took a friend each so we could have a good ole natter whilst picking. I am equally as happy to pick my own, alone... so to speak. But it is good to have company too.

These years are, so far, small... but there were plenty left to come back to in a week or so.
I was disappointed my local farm has stopped the PYO strawberries but every year they were less and less successful.

I only had to tell my Little One off 3 times for eating punnets of these fruits - it would have been more if they'd been strawbs i feel....

Joy of fruit.
Joy of being outdoors. and being active.
Joy at the excitement and the *potential*......
COME ON people..... what do you take me for??? i didn't *only* make Raspberry Gin and Raspberry Vodka. Shame on your low opinion of me.
There were a couple left to make Rasberry Vinegar for later pickles and i froze some to make ice-cream with... to eat with my vodka.....
JOY i tell you.
Pure Joy x