Thursday 4 February 2010

Noodle Soup....

The Mrs and I (that is, MrsB and I) don't even really talk about what we are going to blog about... we like to surprise each other... So imagine my smiles to find my Mrs had blogged her Super 'Super Noodles' and miso paste...
My next recipe was Chinese Udon Noodle Soup! Great minds think alike.
I am craving noodles right now and yours look soooo good x

Mine was a recipe from this Months DELICIOUS
But i used a little too much Miso Paste and not enough SoySauce.
Noodle love my gorgeous MrsB, Ooodles of Noooodle love xxx

1 comment:

lucy said...

I am sooooo disappointed, your noodle soup looked so yum that I dashed out and bought Delicious, only to find no recipe. Is it in the one with the chorizo soup on the cover? Am I missing it?